As a software partner, we drive progress in the agribusiness sector through the development of meaningful software. We contribute to a sustainable and successful future for the industry.
"The people at Rovecom think along with us. We like that. If we encounter something, it is quickly picked up and resolved. We are very satisfied with Rovecom." Sander HuiskampLoon- en grondverzetbedrijf Huiskamp
“The combination of the service I receive and the team behind it provides real added value for me. Rovecom's service desk ensures that everything is taken care of. I am truly relieved in my daily job” Jos van 't HoffMilchplus
"Rovecom is a professional automation company with extensive knowledge of the agricultural sector. This combination makes Rovecom unique in the automation world.” Joris TeuwenFransen Gerrits
"What I like about the collaboration with Rovecom is their practical approach and the service." Ronald PaardekooperVoergroep Zuid