Business advisors like to get around. Confined indoors for the day often means typing out visit reports. Not the nicest work. When it then also happens that the report disappears into the archive because of incompleteness, poor organisation or inaccessibility for third parties, the advisor only writes down on paper the things which are most important for himself or herself. That’s a pity, because good processing of client information contributes to commercial success.

Well-organised reports

ClientExpert has been developed with this in mind. ClientExpert is a sector-specific CRM package, focused on operational advice to agrarian undertakings. Not only are commercial contacts recorded in ClientExpert, but the manager or sales leader is also assisted in guiding his staff using well-organised reports.

Always available

In terms of interactivity and set-up, ClientExpert has been developed with the web in mind. It’s an online application, so that ClientExpert is available from any location with any device which has an internet connection. Before the appointment, quickly go through the latest details, and afterwards in the parking lot, enter the visit report – and the advisor’s head is then cleared again for the next appointment.


  • Easily record all the information
  • Produce well-organized reports
  • Share information with colleagues for a smooth transfer
  • Consult and enter information, at any time and from anywhere
  • View the commercial progress of the feed advisor based on a client forecast
  • Link to the internal administrative software
  • Client-specific implementation

Efficiency and time savings

Listening, actively putting heads together, advising, serving as a sounding board. Giving the discussion partner the opportunity to think about his own business. This is who we are and what we stand for, our added value. To achieve this, we have a team of professionals standing behind our brand, each excelling in what they do. Not on an island, but together.


A CRM package matching the workflow and working methods of the company advisor, based on the advisor’s needs. Because not every company has the same wishes when it comes to relationship management, ClientExpert is set up the way you would like it, with efficiency and time-savings being its basic starting points. Time is money and you can never have enough of either.
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